Instructions for Authors of Invited Papers:
The completed manuscript should be received on or before Monday 8 July 2012


  • Manuscripts should be between 3000 and 5000 words maximum.
  • Papers longer than 10 pages (including references) will normally be rejected.
  • Manuscripts not received by due date may be rejected.
  • Authors will only be permitted to present two papers at the conference if co-authored by two or more people

Formatting requirements:
Papers should be formally structured to include an abstract, introduction, identified points, discussion and conclusion.

All manuscripts must be written in Microsoft Word version 6.0 or higher
Times New Roman font; 12 point; Single-spaced; Justified
25 mm margins
1.5 spacing between paragraphs
Single sentence paragraphs are not normally accepted.
Use inline citations not footnotes
Figure captions should be below the figures; table captions should be above the tables
Literature cited should be formally formatted (preferably in APA format –
Or alphabetically listed by author surname, first name, date, book/ journal title, publisher
Visit –

Papers will be assessed according to the following criteria:
Level of interest to readers at the conference
Sustainability /design significance
Experimental approach and techniques
Conclusion (adequately supported by the data)
Tables and figures
Literature Citations
Clarity of presentation
Correct Formatting

Authors are requested to put the following information at the beginning of their manuscript:
Last Name, Title, First Name, (Presenter) in Bold
Other authors (same format)
University, Institute or Company Affiliation,
Full Mailing Address on one line
Telephone numbers (including mobile)
Email address of presenter.
Title of the Paper- in Bold
Intended category (subject to change by the Peer Review Panel)

Do not send pdf files unless requested

Authors will be advised whether their paper has been accepted from Monday 3 September 2012

Final papers must be received by Monday 8 October 2012 for inclusion in the proceedings.
After that date, the authors’ names will not be included in the programme.

Authors must register before 19 October 2010 or they will not be permitted in the programme.

Please note all registration fees and travel and accommodation arrangements are the sole responsibility of the authors and delegates.

Official Call for Papers – instructions for authors (532KB PDF)

Confirmed Sponsor: Timbertank Enterprises Limited