Dr Carol Boyle Interviewed on Sustainable Infrastructure by 95bFM
6 April 2010
Summary from 95bFM:
Dr Carol Boyle is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Her research focuses on sustainability – in engineering practices, infrastructure, business, design and new product development.
Her specific research directions are:
What is the science underpinning sustainability?
Sustainable infrastructure – how do we get there?
Developing sustainable products and sustainable businesses
How low-impact design of new products can have positive environmental impacts, e.g. products and processes which absorb CO2, environmental contaminants.
Originally from Canada, Dr Boyle joined the Faculty of Engineering 14 years ago. She was recently promoted to the rank of Associate Professor.
Listen to the full interview at http://www.95bfm.co.nz/default,195442.sm