Listed in alphabetical order.
CITATION FORMAT: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science, Auckland, NZ, Nov 30 – Dec 3, 2010.
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- Abd Wahab, Hanani; Dr. Mike Duke; Dr. Tim Anderson; Dr. James Carson
Solar Roofing System Thermal Performance Analysis (147 kB PDF)
- Batmunkh, Narantuya; Komsun Siripun; Peerapong Jitsangiam; Hamid Nikraz
Sustainable Use of Crushed Concrete Waste as A Road Base Material (502 kB PDF)
- Brown, Craig; Prof. Stephen Legg
Achieving Transition: Lessons from Human Factors/Ergonomics (1.51 MB PDF)
- Byrd, Dr. Hugh; Dr. Michael Rehm
Changing Architecture for a Changing Climate; Unsustainable Trends in New Zealand (77 kB PDF)
- Clarke, Caleb; Lucy Preston, David Phillips, L. Fourie
You Can Teach A Young Dog New Tricks: Starting At The Beginning—Sustainable Education (617 kB PDF)
- Crul, Dr. Marcel; Ir. Jan Carel Diehl
Design for Sustainability: moving from incremental towards radical design approaches (280 kB PDF)
- Dale, Michael; Dr. Susan Krumdieck; Prof Pat Bodger
Global Energy Modelling – a biophysical approach (723 kB PDF)
- David, Laurentiu (Larry); Dr. Frantz Daniel Fistung
On the road to sustainability—the case of the Romanian transportation sector (180 kB PDF)
- Dravitzki, Vince; Tiffany Lester; Peter Cenek
Pathways to a more sustainable transport infrastructure (216 kB PDF)
- Ducker, Dan; Dr. Kepa Morgan
Bridging formal research and informal approaches to enhance civic engagement processes (75 kB PDF)
- Easton, Lois; Roman Jacques
The Eco Design Advisor Programme: Supporting the Transformation of New Zealand’s Housing Stocks (171 kB PDF)
- Evangelista, Anna; Dr. Maria Estela Varua
(Un)sustainable Consumption in Australian Households: An Exploratory Study (375 kB PDF)
- Foudazi, Mrs Fahimeh; Dr. Mugendi M’Rithaa
Sustainable solutions for Cooling Systems in Residential buildings: Case study in the Western Cape Province, South Africa (760 kB PDF)
- Gamage, Gayathri Babarenda; Assoc. Prof. Carol Boyle; Dr. Ir. Ron McDowall
The Development of an Integrated Model for Assessing Sustainability of Complex Systems(149 kB PDF)
- Gaziulusoy, A. Idil; Assoc. Prof. Carol Boyle; Dr. Ir. Ron McDowall
System Innovation for Sustainability at Product Development Level: Development of a Scenario Method and a Workshop Tool (581 kB PDF)
- Giurco, Dr. Damien; Dr. Timothy Prior; Ms Leah Mason; Dr. Gavin Mudd
Peak Minerals: mapping sustainability issues at local, national and global scales (2.18 MB PDF)
- Gyamfi, Samuel; Dr. Susan Krumdieck; Dr. Larry Brackney
Pattern Recognition Residential Demand Response: An Option for Critical Peak Demand Reduction in New Zealand (294 kB PDF)
- Harrison, Frances; Dr. Maggie Lawton (presenter)
Community Advocacy for Sustainable Living (380 kB PDF)
- Havenga, Dr. Jan; Zane Simpson
Research priorities for Sustainable Branch Line Revitalisation in South Africa (1.24 MB PDF)
- Howell, Dr. Robert
Transitions to Sustainable Investment (159 kB PDF)
- Hucker, Dr. Bruce
Auckland governance reforms: political legitimacy, democratic accountability and sustainable development (257 kB PDF)
- Hughes, James; Steve Goldthorpe, Robert Perry
Carbon Futures: Reducing Emissions for the Auckland Region (732 kB PDF)
- Idrus, Shaharudin; Em. Prof. Abdul Samad Hadi, Abdul Hadi Harman Shah; Ahmad Fariz Mohamed
Non-linearity of Urban Expansion: Transition to Sustainability (463 kB PDF)
- Idrus, Shaharudin; Em. Prof. Abdul Samad Hadi; Assoc. Prof. Ahmad Fariz Mohamed; Siti Nashroh Shaari; Prof. Mazlin Mokhtar
A Malaysian Initiative in Embedding Sustainability: Sustainable School—An Environment Award (72 kB PDF)
- Kelly, Dr. Patricia
Embedding Sustainability: painless is just delay (129 kB PDF)
- Kirk, Nick; Prof. Ali Memon
Sustainable Governance of Marine Fisheries: A Socio-Ecological Embeddedness Perspective (233 kB PDF)
- Koh, Sungsoo; Assoc. Prof. Carol Boyle
Limits to growth defined by water resource, Waiheke Island case study (279 kB PDF)
- Krpo, Ana; Yasenko Krpo; Tony Miguel; Helen Chin
Urban Stormwater Runoff quality – lifecycle assessment (8.09 MB PDF)
- Krumdieck, Assoc. Prof. Susan; Montira Watcharasukarn; Shannon Page
TACA Sim: a survey for adaptability assessment (265 kB PDF)
- Krumdieck, Assoc. Prof. Susan
The Survival Spectrum: the key to Transition Engineering of Complex Systems (1.82 MB PDF)
- Lawton, Ella Susanne; Prof. Robert Vale; Prof. Brenda Vale; Dr. Maggie Lawton
The New Zealand Footprint Project: the Ecological Footprint of Kiwi Lifestyles and Urban Form (94 kB PDF)
- Longley, Dr. Ian; Gustavo Olivares
What is Sustainable Air Quality? (187 kB PDF)
- Ly, Phuong; Prof. Janis Birkeland; Assoc. Prof. Nur Demirbilek
Towards Sustainable Housing for Vietnam (1.91 MB PDF)
- Martin, Tim; Dr. Gavin Mudd
Investigation of the National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) as a Sustainability Tool (393 kB PDF)
- Mason, Dr. Ian; Dr. Shannon Page; Prof. Arthur Williamson
Transitioning to a 100% renewable electricity generation system: balancing the roles of wind generation, base-load generation and hydro storage (172 kB PDF)
- McLernon, Dr. Tim
Integrating Sustainable Development Into The Higher Education Built Environment Curriculum (158 kB PDF)
- McQuinn, Taryn; Claire Jewell
Sustainable Steelmaking: Infrastructure for the Future (197 kB PDF)
- McSaveney, Len
Towards More Sustainable Concrete (88 kB PDF)
- Mohamed, Assoc. Prof. Ahmad Fariz; Prof. Abdul Samad Hadi; Shaharudin Idrus; Assoc. Prof. Abdul Hadi Harman Shah
From the Linear to Cyclic Approach for Sustainable Waste Management in Malaysian City(221 kB PDF)
- Mohamed, Mr Muaviyath; Dr. Susan Krumdieck; Dr. Larry Brackney
Sustainable Renewable Electricity for Small Islands : A Methodology for Essential Load Matching (347 kB PDF)
- Mokhtar Azizi, Ms. Sakina; Dr. Elizabeth Fassman; Assoc. Prof. Suzanne Wilkinson
Methodology for Essential Load Matching (80 kB PDF)
- Moore, Mr. Trivess; Dr. John Morrissey; Prof. Ralph Horne
Cost benefit pathways to zero emission housing: Implications for household cash-flows in Melbourne (119 kB PDF)
- Morrissey, Dr. John; Dr. Usha Iver-Raniga; Patricia McLaughlin; Assoc. Prof. Anthony Mills
Proposal of a tiered conceptual framework for sustainable design and planning of large-scale development projects in the metropolitan context (405 kB PDF)
- Mosly, Ibrahim; Dr. Guomin (Kevin) Zhang
Study on Risk Management for the Implementation of Energy Efficient & Renewable Technologies in Green Office Buildings (273 kB PDF)
- Mudd, Dr. Gavin
The “Limits to Growth” and “Finite” Mineral Resources: Revisiting the Assumptions and Drinking From That Half-Capacity Glass (329 kB PDF)
- O’Byrne, Colin; Assoc. Prof. Penny Allan
Urban Form as a Reflection of Governance Practices (176 kB PDF)
- Olorunkiya, Joshua Olutayo; Dr. Elizabeth Fassman; Assoc. Prof. Suzanne Wilkinson
Global Thinking- Local Action: Adopting the Low Impact Design (LID) Technologies in Urban Stormwater Management (394 kB PDF)
- Olorunkiya. Joshua Olutayo; Dr. Elizabeth Fassman; Assoc. Prof. Suzanne Wilkinson
Risk as a Fundamental Barrier to Adoption of Low Impact Design Technologies (337 kB PDF)
- Paetz, Matthew
Sustainable Suburbia—Oxymoron or Realistic Goal? (168 kB PDF)
- Pearce, Asst. Prof. Annie; Asst. Prof. Yong Han Ahn
Strategic Entry Points for Sustainability in University Strategic Entry Points for Sustainability in University (171 kB PDF)
- Pearce, Asst. Prof. Annie; Assoc. Prof. Kristen Sanford-Bernhardt; Assoc. Prof. Michael Garvin
Sustainability and Capital Projects: Modeling the Emergent Property of Total Cost of Ownership (611 kB PDF)
- Pearce, Asst. Prof. Annie
Costing Sustainable Capital Projects: The Human Factor (653 kB PDF)
- Perry, Robert; Paul Chambers
Carbon Now and Carbon Futures—a systems and performance based approach to reducing GHG Emissions in the Auckland Region (519 kB PDF)
- Powell, Dr. Felicity; Dr. Abigail Harding
The renaissance of inner city living and its implications for infrastructure and services: A Wellington case study (435 kB PDF)
- Quinlivan, Paul; Shelley Quinlivan
Embedding Sustainability into School Curriculums (670 kB PDF)
- Reay, Dr. Stephen; Andrew Withell, Prof. Olaf Diegel
Design for Biodiversity: a new approach for ecologically sustainable product design? (4.57 MB PDF)
- Reay, Dr. Stephen; Andrew Withell, Prof. Olaf Diegel
How to effectively engage students with environmentally sustainable product design? (386 kB PDF)
- Rendall, Stacy; Assoc. Prof. Susan Krumdieck; Dr. Elijah Van Houten; Dr. Femke Reitsma; Dr. Shannon Page
Quantifying Transport Energy Resilience: Active Mode Accessibility (713 kB PDF)
- Robak, Anna; Assoc. Prof. Henning Bjornlund
Trade-offs between public health and environmental protection in a potable water supply context: Drinking Water Standards New Zealand vs resource consent conditions (164 kB PDF)
- Rosales-Carreón, Jesús; Prof. René Jorna; Dr. Neils Faber; Prof. Rob van Haren
Sustainability: Seeing Through The Eyes Of Farmers (116 kB PDF)
- Rule, Bridget; Assoc. Prof. Carol Boyle
Challenges for sustainable infrastructure development in small island developing states(193 kB PDF)
- Russell, John; Kevin Long
Transitions to Sustainability—Are we confident about the IPCC climate change predictions for the future? (1.39 MB PDF)
- Saito, Assoc. Prof. Osamu
Measuring lifecycle carbon footprint of a golf course and greening in the golf industry (309 kB PDF)
- Saville-Smith, Kay; Lois Easton
Market Transformation to Achieve Large Scale Uptake of Sustainable Residential Renovation in New Zealand (353 kB PDF)
- Scott, Eion; Jennifer Kerr; Rhys Taylor
Resilience in sustainability: A New Resource (1.1 MB PDF)
- Sinclair, Sarah; Louise Webster; David Woods
Rethinking sustainable infrastructure using innovation tools (197 kB PDF)
- Slason, Jonathan
Unintended Consequences of Reduced Consumption (62 kB PDF)
- Smith, Tara; Dr. Gavin Mudd
Shallow Groundwater Resources and Future Climate Change Impacts:A Comparison of the Ovens and Namoi Catchments, Eastern Australia (467 kB PDF)
- Tanner, Aaron; Dr. Brian S. McIntosh; Dr. David Widdowson
Adapting to adopt sustainability: organisational change in UK water and sewerage companies (651 kB PDF)
- van Onselen, Lenny; Dr. Kristina Lauche; Dr. Sacha Silvester; Silje Rikoll Dehli
Technology Windows in Sustainable Innovation Projects: Experiences with an Innovation Tool for Identifying Sustainable Application Domains (610 kB PDF)
- Vickers, Jeff; Assoc. Prof. Carol Boyle
Design for Sustainable Development: A Framework for Sustainable Product Development and its Application to Earthmoving Equipment (676 kB PDF)
- Weng, Zhehan; Dr. Gavin M. Mudd; Assoc. Prof. Carol Boyle
Projecting the Full Pollutant Cycle from Coal Utilisation to 2050: Understanding the Global Environmental Implications (130 kB PDF)
- Williamson, Prof. Arthur; Dr. Ian Mason
Transitions in transit: future options for transport energy in New Zealand (174 kB PDF)
- Wolfgramm, Dr. Rachel
Creating leadership in transition to sustainability societies: Reflections from the Universitas 21 Sustainability Project (177 kB PDF)
- Young, Damian
Can catchment management can be delivered for the Auckland Super City watersheds and achieve sustainability (270 kB PDF)
- Zahedi, Assoc. Prof. Ahmad
Sustainable electric energy supply by decentralized alternative energy technologies (249 kB PDF)