The Blueprints Conference was successfully launched at a members and invited guests Cocktail Evening held on Friday, 7 December 2007.

The Society’s Chair, Dr Carol Boyle made the announcements about the conference themes and topics, putting out the Call for Papers, and thanking the co-Principal Sponsors, ICSER and The Centre for Sustainable Development, at the University of Cambridge for their support. The full text of her speech is available here. Both the Vice-Chancellor, Stuart McCutcheon, and Dean of Engineering, Professor Michael Davies, spoke well about NZSSES and its endeavours, offering their support.

Dr Boyle announcing the call for papers Dr Boyle signing conference documents Professor McCutcheon speaking about NZSSES
Dr Boyle announcing the
call for papers
Dr Boyle signing conference
Professor McCutcheon
speaking about NZSSES


Downloads: Press release (18 KB PDF), Launch speech by Dr Carol Boyle (32 KB PDF)