Proceedings Manuscripts

Listed in alphabetical order. All Manuscripts are in PDF format. Patience may be needed for some downloads particularly with a slower connection.

CITATION FORMAT: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science, Auckland, NZ, July 6-9, 2004.

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  1. Allen et al
    Green Engineering Design and Education in the United States (277 KB PDF)

  2. Blakeley
    Key Factors in the Introduction of Hydrogen as the Sustainable Fuel of the Future
    (110 KB PDF)

  3. Boyle
    Achieving Sustainability (259 KB PDF)

  4. Brumley-Boyd
    Optimising Sustainable use of Groundwater: A Challenge for Science and Water Markets
    (155 KB PDF)

  5. Burkitt
    Development of a Method for the Tracking of Environmental Sustainability at Solid Energy
    (135 KB PDF)

  6. Chapman
    Timber, a truly sustainable resource, can be used to replace steel and concrete
    structures in multi-storey building.
    (288 KB PDF)

  7. Cheng, Bernard
    Predicting the unpredictable: Is the electrical spot price chaotic? (149 KB PDF)

  8. Collins, Neilsen
    Scoping technology scenarios for a 100% Renewable Energy Rotorua (193 KB PDF)

  9. Coy, Sadaka, Lamborn
    Siting Guide for Wind Farms in Australia (213 KB PDF)

  10. CruickShank
    The Roles and Responsibilities of Engineers Towards Implementing Sustainable Development (166 KB PDF)

  11. Dolan
    Life Cycle Assessments of Management Options for Waste Farm Plastics ( 293 KB PDF)

  12. Donnelly
    Sustainability – Why is it way beyond the Triple Bottom Line? (177 KB PDF)

  13. Duder & Reinen, Hamil
    Sustainability of Coastal and Water Resource Engineering (1.8 MB PDF)

  14. Eason
    Low Impact Urban Design and Development: Making it Mainstream (90 KB PDF)

  15. Griffiths
    TBL Reporting – a Review of Recent Practice (344 KB PDF)

  16. Haque, Langrish
    Performance of an Industrial Solar Kiln for Drying Timber (898 KB PDF)

  17. Johnstone
    Stock and flow models of housing (155 KB PDF)

  18. Jollands
    Wasting ‘Efficiency’: Sysiphus and the Policy Maker (137 KB PDF)

  19. Kelly
    Letter from the oasis – helping engineering students to become sustainability professionals
    (151 KB PDF)

  20. Kettle
    A Sustainability Action Planning Tool (220 KB PDF)

  21. Krumdieck, Burton
    Continuity Model for Energy System Sustainability (104 KB PDF)

  22. Krumdieck
    Supply and Demand is not Sustainable (132 KB PDF)

  23. Lawton
    From Grey to Green (1.6 MB PDF)

  24. Lee (unedited)
    Establish the rivers’ bio-indicator system –a case study of Zhong-Kang river. (unedited)
    (240 KB PDF)

  25. Loiu
    Engineering a Sustainable House for Solar Decathlon 2002 (141 KB PDF)

  26. Lowe
    Applying Sustainability Science (95 KB PDF)

  27. Lumsden
    Sustainability Assessment: The Way Ahead for Corporate Reporting (145 KB PDF)

  28. Maddox
    Tools for the Integrated Assessment of Sustainable Regional Energy Systems (1.3 MB PDF)

  29. Mainville
    The Sustainability of Land uses in the Strzelecki Ranges in Victoria Australia (424 KB PDF)

  30. Mamula, Stonjnic & Panko
    Sustainability: The education driver (90 KB PDF)

  31. McLellan
    Sustainability Assessment of Hydrogen Energy Pathways (295 KB PDF)

  32. Mead
    Sustainable Laboratory Design: Challenges and Solutions (90 KB PDF)

  33. Misra
    Networking Young India for Sustainable Development (181 KB PDF)

  34. Kumar, Mithraratne
    Thermal Characteristics of High Thermal Mass Passive Solar Buildings (261 KB PDF)

  35. Mithraratne
    Optimum Specification for New Zealand Houses (502 KB PDF)

  36. Morgan
    A Tangata Whenua Perspective on Sustainability using the Mauri Model (2.7 MB PDF)

  37. Morrison
    Energy sustainability through representative large-scale simulation : the logical and physical design of xeona (338 KB PDF)

  38. Mudd
    Sustainable Mining : An Evaluation of Changing Ore Grades and Waste Volumes
    (145 KB PDF)

  39. Neilson, Estcourt
    Energy demand analysis for small and medium scale heat users in Rotorua aiming at converting existing heating systems to bioenergy. (291 KB PDF)

  40. Neilson, Moller
    Geographical analyses of wood chip potentials, costs and supply for sustainable energy production in Denmark (1 MB PDF)

  41. Neilson
    The role of bioenergy to meet the renewable energy target for New Zealand (106 KB PDF)

  42. O’Connell and Kane
    Built Environment solutions that meet goals for Sustainability Outcomes (277 KB PDF)

  43. Parker
    The electric powered assisted bicycle; a clean vehicle to reduce oil dependence and enhance the mobility of the elderly (4.2 MB PDF)

  44. Ponniah
    Feasability Study of Harnessing On-shore Wave Energy at Waipapa, New Zealand: A Case Study (498 KB PDF)

  45. Potangaroa
    Sustainability and the Role of Natural Ventilation for High Rise Buildings in New Zealand
    (4 MB PDF)

  46. Chris, Pratt
    Remediation of heavy metal impacts in roadside corridors, Wet Tropics World Heritage Area, Australia (1.3 MB PDF)

  47. Steven, Pratt
    Protecting our waterways – research of novel methods for removal of nutrients from wastewaters (161 KB PDF)

  48. Ramos et al
    Establishing a Disposable Siting Mechanism Towards a Sustainable Industrial waste Management in the Philippines (193 KB PDF)

  49. Rimmer
    Sustainability as appropriate use of technology for on-site wastewater/used water systems – examples from Waiheke Island, New Zealand. (73 KB PDF)

  50. Rodriguez
    User research and eco-ergonomics: encouraging environmentally effective behaviours in product users through the industrial design process (128 KB PDF)

  51. Romero Hernandez
    Sustainability Engineering Applied into the Pet Plastic Supply Chain. A Policy Tool for Industry and Government (585 KB PDF)

  52. Salmon
    Composting Toilet Technology in Urban Apartments & Agricultural Trials for Beneficial Reuse of Residues (864 KB PDF)

  53. Shaw et al
    Sustainable Integrated Planning Approach Case Study: NORSGA, Waitakere City, Auckland. (1.1 MB PDF)

  54. Simpson
    Greening beyond the firm: improving environmental performance through the supply relationship (162 KB PDF)

  55. Stewart
    Propositions of Sustainable Methods of Carbon Dioxide Separation and Disposal.
    (127 KB PDF)

  56. Su
    Architectural Design of Large Hotel and Energy Used for Internal Space Thermal Control
    (169 KB PDF)

  57. Sureda
    Towards the evaluation of the sustainability of a region, taking different sustainability criteria into account. (126 KB PDF)

  58. Tolley et al
    Steps Towards Sustainable Rural Development through Appropriate Technology and Participation in Northwestern Cambodia (568 KB PDF)

  59. Tonks
    Dial a House; – The Construction of Residential Buildings From Used Telephone Directories. (2 MB PDF)

  60. Van Roon
    Evaluating the Ecological Efficacy of Low Impact Urban Design and Development
    (38 MB PDF)

  61. Wang (unedited)
    Inter-discipline Integration Implications of Sustained Development of Architectural Education
    (180 KB PDF)

  62. Watkins
    So You Are Thinking Sustainability: Who Is On Your Team? (107 KB PDF)

  63. Weaver
    Defining and Evaluating ‘Science for Sustainability’ (149 KB PDF)

  64. White
    From Corporate Governance to Sustainable Governance (211 KB PDF)

  65. Wilaipon
    The Effects of Moderate Die Pressure on Maize Cob Briquettes: A Case Study in Phitsanulok, Thailand (70 KB PDF)

  66. Woodside
    The Congestion Conundrum: sustainable solutions? (135 KB PDF)

  67. Zaher
    Application of Lean Management to Improve Educational Operations (130 KB PDF)

  68. Zimmerman
    Case Studies Illustrating the Twelve Principles of Green Engineering (307 KB PDF)