Proceedings Manuscripts
Listed in alphabetical order. All Manuscripts are in PDF format. Patience may be needed for some downloads particularly with a slower connection.
CITATION FORMAT: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science, Auckland, NZ, July 6-9, 2004.
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- Allen et al
Green Engineering Design and Education in the United States (277 KB PDF)
- Blakeley
Key Factors in the Introduction of Hydrogen as the Sustainable Fuel of the Future
(110 KB PDF)
- Boyle
Achieving Sustainability (259 KB PDF)
- Brumley-Boyd
Optimising Sustainable use of Groundwater: A Challenge for Science and Water Markets
(155 KB PDF)
- Burkitt
Development of a Method for the Tracking of Environmental Sustainability at Solid Energy
(135 KB PDF)
- Chapman
Timber, a truly sustainable resource, can be used to replace steel and concrete
structures in multi-storey building. (288 KB PDF)
- Cheng, Bernard
Predicting the unpredictable: Is the electrical spot price chaotic? (149 KB PDF)
- Collins, Neilsen
Scoping technology scenarios for a 100% Renewable Energy Rotorua (193 KB PDF)
- Coy, Sadaka, Lamborn
Siting Guide for Wind Farms in Australia (213 KB PDF)
- CruickShank
The Roles and Responsibilities of Engineers Towards Implementing Sustainable Development (166 KB PDF)
- Dolan
Life Cycle Assessments of Management Options for Waste Farm Plastics ( 293 KB PDF)
- Donnelly
Sustainability – Why is it way beyond the Triple Bottom Line? (177 KB PDF)
- Duder & Reinen, Hamil
Sustainability of Coastal and Water Resource Engineering (1.8 MB PDF)
- Eason
Low Impact Urban Design and Development: Making it Mainstream (90 KB PDF)
- Griffiths
TBL Reporting – a Review of Recent Practice (344 KB PDF)
- Haque, Langrish
Performance of an Industrial Solar Kiln for Drying Timber (898 KB PDF)
- Johnstone
Stock and flow models of housing (155 KB PDF)
- Jollands
Wasting ‘Efficiency’: Sysiphus and the Policy Maker (137 KB PDF)
- Kelly
Letter from the oasis – helping engineering students to become sustainability professionals
(151 KB PDF)
- Kettle
A Sustainability Action Planning Tool (220 KB PDF)
- Krumdieck, Burton
Continuity Model for Energy System Sustainability (104 KB PDF)
- Krumdieck
Supply and Demand is not Sustainable (132 KB PDF)
- Lawton
From Grey to Green (1.6 MB PDF)
- Lee (unedited)
Establish the rivers’ bio-indicator system –a case study of Zhong-Kang river. (unedited)
(240 KB PDF)
- Loiu
Engineering a Sustainable House for Solar Decathlon 2002 (141 KB PDF)
- Lowe
Applying Sustainability Science (95 KB PDF)
- Lumsden
Sustainability Assessment: The Way Ahead for Corporate Reporting (145 KB PDF)
- Maddox
Tools for the Integrated Assessment of Sustainable Regional Energy Systems (1.3 MB PDF)
- Mainville
The Sustainability of Land uses in the Strzelecki Ranges in Victoria Australia (424 KB PDF)
- Mamula, Stonjnic & Panko
Sustainability: The education driver (90 KB PDF)
- McLellan
Sustainability Assessment of Hydrogen Energy Pathways (295 KB PDF)
- Mead
Sustainable Laboratory Design: Challenges and Solutions (90 KB PDF)
- Misra
Networking Young India for Sustainable Development (181 KB PDF)
- Kumar, Mithraratne
Thermal Characteristics of High Thermal Mass Passive Solar Buildings (261 KB PDF)
- Mithraratne
Optimum Specification for New Zealand Houses (502 KB PDF)
- Morgan
A Tangata Whenua Perspective on Sustainability using the Mauri Model (2.7 MB PDF)
- Morrison
Energy sustainability through representative large-scale simulation : the logical and physical design of xeona (338 KB PDF)
- Mudd
Sustainable Mining : An Evaluation of Changing Ore Grades and Waste Volumes
(145 KB PDF)
- Neilson, Estcourt
Energy demand analysis for small and medium scale heat users in Rotorua aiming at converting existing heating systems to bioenergy. (291 KB PDF)
- Neilson, Moller
Geographical analyses of wood chip potentials, costs and supply for sustainable energy production in Denmark (1 MB PDF)
- Neilson
The role of bioenergy to meet the renewable energy target for New Zealand (106 KB PDF)
- O’Connell and Kane
Built Environment solutions that meet goals for Sustainability Outcomes (277 KB PDF)
- Parker
The electric powered assisted bicycle; a clean vehicle to reduce oil dependence and enhance the mobility of the elderly (4.2 MB PDF)
- Ponniah
Feasability Study of Harnessing On-shore Wave Energy at Waipapa, New Zealand: A Case Study (498 KB PDF)
- Potangaroa
Sustainability and the Role of Natural Ventilation for High Rise Buildings in New Zealand
(4 MB PDF)
- Chris, Pratt
Remediation of heavy metal impacts in roadside corridors, Wet Tropics World Heritage Area, Australia (1.3 MB PDF)
- Steven, Pratt
Protecting our waterways – research of novel methods for removal of nutrients from wastewaters (161 KB PDF)
- Ramos et al
Establishing a Disposable Siting Mechanism Towards a Sustainable Industrial waste Management in the Philippines (193 KB PDF)
- Rimmer
Sustainability as appropriate use of technology for on-site wastewater/used water systems – examples from Waiheke Island, New Zealand. (73 KB PDF)
- Rodriguez
User research and eco-ergonomics: encouraging environmentally effective behaviours in product users through the industrial design process (128 KB PDF)
- Romero Hernandez
Sustainability Engineering Applied into the Pet Plastic Supply Chain. A Policy Tool for Industry and Government (585 KB PDF)
- Salmon
Composting Toilet Technology in Urban Apartments & Agricultural Trials for Beneficial Reuse of Residues (864 KB PDF)
- Shaw et al
Sustainable Integrated Planning Approach Case Study: NORSGA, Waitakere City, Auckland. (1.1 MB PDF)
- Simpson
Greening beyond the firm: improving environmental performance through the supply relationship (162 KB PDF)
- Stewart
Propositions of Sustainable Methods of Carbon Dioxide Separation and Disposal.
(127 KB PDF)
- Su
Architectural Design of Large Hotel and Energy Used for Internal Space Thermal Control
(169 KB PDF)
- Sureda
Towards the evaluation of the sustainability of a region, taking different sustainability criteria into account. (126 KB PDF)
- Tolley et al
Steps Towards Sustainable Rural Development through Appropriate Technology and Participation in Northwestern Cambodia (568 KB PDF)
- Tonks
Dial a House; – The Construction of Residential Buildings From Used Telephone Directories. (2 MB PDF)
- Van Roon
Evaluating the Ecological Efficacy of Low Impact Urban Design and Development
(38 MB PDF)
- Wang (unedited)
Inter-discipline Integration Implications of Sustained Development of Architectural Education
(180 KB PDF)
- Watkins
So You Are Thinking Sustainability: Who Is On Your Team? (107 KB PDF)
- Weaver
Defining and Evaluating ‘Science for Sustainability’ (149 KB PDF)
- White
From Corporate Governance to Sustainable Governance (211 KB PDF)
- Wilaipon
The Effects of Moderate Die Pressure on Maize Cob Briquettes: A Case Study in Phitsanulok, Thailand (70 KB PDF)
- Woodside
The Congestion Conundrum: sustainable solutions? (135 KB PDF)
- Zaher
Application of Lean Management to Improve Educational Operations (130 KB PDF)
- Zimmerman
Case Studies Illustrating the Twelve Principles of Green Engineering (307 KB PDF)